各位,help!! 3B

2006-11-17 2:47 am
I just want to ask kmb rt 3B when have bus tomorrow between 7am to 7:15 am

Plx. I want now plx...

(I want the exact time thx)

I want the exact time ... KMB website can't help me bec. it is 10-12 mins I want the exact time ma... Thank you for your answers...

回答 (5)

2006-11-17 3:10 am
yeah...it's quite impossible to give you the exact time of the that
maybe you better reach the bus stop at 7 a.m.
it's much better than guess the time of the bus then...
2006-11-17 3:03 am
This is impossible!!!!!We can't know the excet time!!We are not in Japan.
So,you should go out earlier!I
I think you take few minutes to wait the bus.
3B do not take you many times to wait the bus^ ^
know about more:
2006-11-17 2:53 am
參考: 九巴網站 ( http://kmb.hk ) ,自己
2006-11-17 2:49 am
for information about route No. 3B, please go to the following website
2006-11-17 2:49 am
I do not know what are you say ?
Can you say Chinese ?

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