mathematical induction 5

2006-11-17 2:47 am
by mathematical induction,that the following proposition is true .

3^2n + 2^2n-2 is divisible by 5 for all natural numbers n.

回答 (3)

2006-11-17 3:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
When n=1,3^2+2^(2-2)=9+1=10,which is divisible by 5.
Assume n=k, 3^2k+2^(2k-2)=5M,where M is a integer.
when n=k+1
=3^[2(k + 1)] + 2^[2(k + 1) - 2]
=3^(2k + 2) + 2^(2k+2 - 2)
=(3^2k)(3^2) + 2^(2k - 2)(2^2)
=(3^2k)(9) + [ 2^(2k - 2) ](4)
=(3^2k)(4 + 5) + [2^(2k - 2)](4)
= [(3^2k)(4) + (3^2k)(5)] + [2^(2k - 2)](4)
=(3^2k)(4) + (3^2k)(5) + [ 2^(2k - 2) ](4)
Take out the common factor,4
= (4)[(3^2k) + 2^(2k-2)] + (3^2k)(5)
= (4)(5M)+ (3^2k)(5)
Take out the common factor ,5
so,n=k+1 is divisible by 5
By the principal of mathematical induction,P(k+1) is true of all positive integer
2006-11-17 3:18 am
Your question should state like this
3^2n + 2^(2n-2) is divisible by 5 for all natural numbers n.
Do you need to prove?

2006-11-16 19:47:04 補充:
The first responser was misleded because 3^2n+2^2n-2 is watched as3^2n+(2^2n)-2 so he (she) proved it is wrong.If you want me to prove, I shall prove it later.
2006-11-17 2:56 am
Let P(n) be the proposition 3^(2n)+2^(2n)-2 is divisible by 5
When n=1
Therefore S(1) is false.
Therefore S(n) is not true for all natural number n.
The proposition was disproved.

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