
2006-11-17 2:20 am
我上唔到www.881903.com,點解會咁?淨係上唔到呢個網喎係,即係佢既副頁都上唔到,點解會咁呢?其他網完全無問題,今早我都仲上到呢個網,但係12點幾之後就上唔到,會唔會同oversea有關?但我不嬲都些到點解而家唔得?一個開網佢就話Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage,佢呢度講既我都做過哂啦Most likely causes:
You are not connected to the Internet.
The website is encountering problems.
There might be a typing error in the address.

What you can try:
Diagnose Connection Problems

回答 (9)

2006-11-19 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
dns 死左
問左whirlpool forum 都冇人掂
行住proxy 頂住先啦
我用日本proxy, 反正au 好多isp 都經日本先去hk

2006-11-23 14:58:10 補充:
都唔關881903.com 事係au 既 uplink router 傻左resolve 唔到881903.com 個ip而家我搬左屋, 用 TPG前兩日都要用proxy 先得咁0岩而家6點左右直接connect 到唔知幾時又死
2006-11-23 8:35 am
everyone 都係咁ar, 我send 左封e-mail 比881903.com, 佢地都幫我唔到. 唉, 好耐la. 你地快d 一齊send 封email 比佢地la.

[email protected]
2006-11-19 1:57 am
I am using TPG too, patorchard' method can get to 881903.com but still can't listen.

2006-11-18 17:59:29 補充:
TPG also use Telstra's network, I emailed to TPG about it.
2006-11-19 1:44 am
I am using TPG in Australia, I know how to fix it up
Open IE icon, on the tool bar go and click Tool first,
then click Option, then go to Safety and then go Trust web site( which is a tick in a green circle). Then click Site type in https://881903.comm then click Add, then click Apply. Becuase I could not load this 881903 today and yesterday, so I try this way so it finally come up, hope it can help you.
2006-11-18 8:13 pm
Me too... I'm using Telstra, and my other friends who are using Optus & AAPT have no problem! I think all of you who have encountered the same problem should send an email to 881903.com as well as to Telstra so as to let them know how serious the scenario is!

Hey, 881903.com, we are members & we have paid for the annual fee, why can't we enjoy the service you are supposed to grant us?

Come on, Telstra! We are your user & have to pay more expensive fee than other internet service providers, why can't we browse the favourite websites freely as we wish?

Please let them know!

2006-11-19 10:29:19 補充:
Thanks for your suggestion, patorchard, but I still cannot get connected. I think there's something wrong with Telstra. For those who cannot browse the site, please email your problem or call their technical support for help:[email protected] 46592338 9514
2006-11-18 2:57 pm
me 3 ...sigh~~

881903 banned some australia ip or wt??
2006-11-18 6:02 am
I am in Australia and i have the same problem as well! Starting from 16th till now, it's been two days already. I've tried at my office and my home, both couldn't access. Seems like the server is down. v_v I think we could only wait.
2006-11-17 3:05 am
不過我都load 到....

可能頭先881903.com 整server.......
2006-11-17 2:50 am
I can't get on too.

2006-11-18 16:41:03 補充:
I just called bigbond. They said they can check the problem if I am directly connected to their modem. But since I use wireless router, can't move my pc to the modem or the other way. So they cannot check for me.anyone whos pc directly connected to the modem can call bigbond to check?

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