
2006-11-17 12:11 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-17 5:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
咁你有無份俾家用呀? 如果有, 就同其他兄弟商議, 一人claim一年, 或者叫佢地津貼你的稅啦! 有份養應該有份claim免稅額才合理! 我人工比妹妹高, 所以我要晒d免稅額, 不過我會計下佢唔claim會俾多幾多, 同埋佢俾家用的比例, 幫佢交稅。你同佢地講你都有份俾家用, 不過因為無免稅額所以要交好多稅, 好重負擔, 不如我地輪流claim, 再唔係你津貼返我少少, 俾你claim晒, 都仲有著數。

如果兄弟姊妹談不攏, 要爭免稅額, 結果就是所有人都無得claim, 這就是你的籌碼, 反正你也沒損失, 不妨試下同佢地商量下!

可以的話, 搵個會計朋友睇下你最近幾年的稅單, 睇下有無乜野未claim。
2006-11-19 8:23 am
It is very poor of us for paying tax around 150% of our monthly salary!
But it means that we are the lucky one because we can pay tax to our Govrnment.
If you want to pay less tax the following actions to be take:-
1. study ....to claim the self study tax allowance upto $40,000 / year.
2. donation ........ you can claim upto 25% of you total tax.
3. membership fee ....... if you are a professional you can claim 1 professional membership fee.
you help our city, cause you have paid tax. that is good!
2006-11-17 1:29 am

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