
2006-11-16 11:21 pm


回答 (8)

2006-11-17 4:45 am
The service of Matilda is always the best.. and of cause you have to pay more for that.
2006-11-17 1:24 am
我都係支持廣華... ^^
2006-11-17 1:08 am
2006-11-17 1:01 am
1. I think 要點 is that 哪里接近 your home,
because you need to always go there to have 產前的 check up,
and also when you nearly to 生仔 ( 9 months) ,
you need to nearly weekly to go there to check up.
So 哪里接近 your home is very important
2. I suggest you can book 接近 your home 公立醫院 to have 產前的 check up,
and plan if you what to go to 邊間私家醫院 if need .
3. If touch wood 產前的 check up, check that bb have 復雜的因素,
then 公立醫院 would be better than 私家醫院.
Because 公立醫院 have 兒科醫生 stand by ;
but 私家醫院 if you want 兒科醫生 stand by is very expensive , and may not immediately have 兒科醫生.
4. But if you think you 開刀生 , then 公立醫院usually have no choice ,
they only provide 開刀生 when bb have 復雜的因素.
5. book 產前的 check up 接近 your home first, then later to think 邊間醫院生仔好 can be okay
2006-11-16 11:41 pm
私家以浸會較好,因為baby 房是獨立空調,不會受到任何其病房汚染
2006-11-16 11:36 pm
廣華啦 ! 我自己同D friend 都係o個度.
2006-11-16 11:30 pm
2006-11-16 11:24 pm

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