什麼是「動暈症」? (難度:4)

2006-11-16 10:03 pm
什 麼 是 動 暈 症 ( motion sickness ) ?

回答 (2)

2006-11-16 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Motion sickness or kinetosis is a poison response provoked by motion. Nausea is the most common symptom of motion sickness; in fact, nausea in Greek means seasickness (naus means ship). If the motion causing nausea is not resolved, the sufferer will frequently vomit. Unlike ordinary sickness, vomiting in motion sickness tends not to relieve the nausea. Another part of motion sickness is an accompanying stress response. The sufferer feels stressed, and stress hormones are secreted into the blood.
Motion sickness on the sea can result from being in the berth of a rolling boat without being able to see the horizon. Sudden jerky movements tend to be worse for provoking motion sickness than slower smooth ones, because they disrupt the fluid balance more. A "corkscrewing" boat will upset more people than one that is gliding smoothly across the oncoming waves. Cars driving rapidly around winding roads or up and down a series of hills will upset more people than cars that are moving over smooth, straight roads. Looking down into one's lap to consult a map or attempting to read a book while a passenger in a car may also cause motion sickness.
Motion sickness can also occur when playing certain video games for exactly the opposite reason -- one can see motion but cannot feel it. This is most likely to occur when the screen takes up much of one's field of vision; using a smaller screen, or sitting farther away from it, can relieve motion sickness by making one's stationary surroundings more visible.
Humans have developed motion sickness as a defence mechanism. The area postrema in the brain is responsible for inducing vomiting when poisons are detected, and for resolving conflicts between vision and balance. When feeling motion but not seeing it (for example, in a ship with no windows), the inner ear transmits to the brain that it senses motion, but the eyes tell the brain that everything is still. The brain seems to conlude that it has been poisoned and the response is nausea, vomiting, and stress. Half of the astronauts in the U.S. space program have suffered from space sickness,[citation needed] including Senator Jake Garn, who made it his study project while a passenger on the Space Shuttle in 1985. The specially-designed zero-gravity toilet aboard the Space Shuttle has two settings: one for ordinary waste and another for vomit.
2006-11-16 10:06 pm




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