Why 袋鼠 cannot be found in Zoo out of Australia ?

2006-11-16 9:32 pm
Why 袋鼠 cannot be found in Zoo out of Australia ? Can it survive in zoo out of Australia, can Australia export live 袋鼠 to other country ?

I mean why I cannot find any Kangaroo in zoos of other foreign countries, say in Singapore or Ocean Park in Hong Kong. Is there any law prohibite the export of Kangaroo to other zoos ? My friend told me he did see a small kangaroo in Bangkok Zoo ???


I mean if the kangaroo is so strong, they can made the 2nd or 3rd generations in zoos of foreign countries or let them live in the wild forest, can the kangaroo survive in other foreign countries ?

回答 (3)

2006-11-19 8:32 pm
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哈哈...其他國家的zoo有一些一定會有袋鼠的...只係佢唔係好popular around the world je...
加上, 袋鼠係澳洲的其中一個旅遊賣點...澳洲並不會把自己既advantage 送出去呀..! 加上如上述的回答者所說...袋鼠是一種野生動物..需要很大的空間給他們....並不是每個國家的zoo也有這麼大的地方養他們...不像澳洲...多的是袋鼠所需要的土地..空氣 和環境..
如果有到過澳洲的zoo也會看到....給袋鼠生活的環境是很大的....像是australia zoo 在queensland....那裡的袋鼠是很自由...有面積成個大型golf場的area俾佢地活動...

另外如果你的朋友說他在Bankok 既zoo看過也不足為奇....Thailand既天氣和環境都比香港和新加坡來得接近澳洲.....能在thailand養活袋鼠的機率是比較大的....

參考: 個人見解...和體會到的澳洲文化
2006-11-18 8:53 pm
I agree with what "chungkokya" said, there are kangaroo everywhere so no one would go to the zoo specially for them.
As Australia is a self-centre conuntry , she don't usually export her own animals to the other country.Unlike China , she won't send the kangaroo to the other countries for political reason.
Moreover , kangaroos need a large space for their daily activities. They are not pandas ~
The zoo can't provide enough space for them . . .
2006-11-18 2:33 am
I have seen kangaroo in Portland zoo (Oregon/USA)

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