Can you help me to translate below message

2006-11-16 8:50 pm
Can you help me to translate below message:
Thank so much!
((一個好主管最重要是以人為本. 下屬只是你的工作夥伴, 替你打工的人, 不是你的奴隸, 凡事先從他們的立場去想, 他們才會心悅誠服的替你工作, 留住忠心, 有歸屬感的員工))

回答 (6)

2006-11-17 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
一個好主管最重要是以人為本, 下屬只是你的工作夥伴, 替你打工的人, 不是你的奴隸, 凡事先從他們的立場去想, 他們才會心悅誠服的替你工作, 留住忠心, 有歸屬感的員工
The most important thing about a good supervisor is to take a people-oriented approach. Your subordinates are your working partners, those who work for you but not your slaves. Only when you think from their point of view before doing anything would they be too willing to serve under you gladly, maintain their loyalty, and be employees with a sense of belonging.

Sentence structure---The last sentence in full should read:Only when you think from their point of view before doing anything would they be too willing to serve under you gladly, (would they) maintain their loyalty, and (would they) be employees with a sense of belonging. [ The words in bracket are omitted in line with language usage ]
Only when you......would they 只有你...(怎樣做), 他們才會(這樣做)
People-oriented approach 以人為本 ( This is the term as used in public libraries in Hong Kong. Other examples of the use of the word ‘oriented’ : an export-oriented company 一家以出口為主的公司; career-oriented teaching 以職業為重的教學 ) (‘oriented’ can also be ‘orientated’)

2006-11-16 18:00:45 補充:
subordinates = 部屬, 部下;‘a’ sense of belonging (要有冠詞‘a’, 除非 sense of belonging 前面是代名詞或代名詞所有格, 才沒有冠詞, 例如 their sense of belonging)
2006-11-17 5:07 pm
People management is the most important skill for a good manager. A good manger has to understand that their subordinates are their partners not their slaves. He/she should establish team work and understand their point of views in order to retain their loyalty and willingness to work for you.
2006-11-16 10:00 pm
很同意你的說法, 但是有一點要指出的是你開始時的第一句, 其實無論是否一個好主管, 就算上至主席, 下至售貨員, 以人為本對每一個人來說都應該是最重要的, 否則他/她們不會尊重別人, 在溝通上便很易出問題, 產生磨擦, 所以我希望你能攺攺第一句才給你翻譯.
2006-11-16 9:47 pm
A good managership means people-based approach, people who work for you are your working partners, and not your slaves. If you can always think from their point of views , they will know and work from their heart. And that is the best way to keep the loyal staffs with sense of belonging.
A good managership means people-based approach
= The most important issue of a good supervisor is following the people-based approach in their managerment.
If you can always think from their point of views
= If you can think from their sides on every matter

people-based approach 以人為本
sense of belonging 歸屬感
loyal 忠心
2006-11-16 9:21 pm
A good manager most important is humanist. The subordinate is only your work partner, the person who works for you, is not your slave. Every beforehand thought from theirs standpoint, they only can feel a heartfelt admiration work for you, detain loyally, has the ownership feeling staff
2006-11-16 9:04 pm
The most imoprtant requirement as a good director includes putting others first,
staffs are only someone who works you instead of your slaves.

Try to think in their point of views in order to convince them to work for you and be your
most loyal and stable staffs.

希望幫到你 ^_^
參考: Myself

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