
2006-11-16 8:50 pm

回答 (5)

2006-11-17 2:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are a few reason of this...
1) For the window seat passenger to look out the window so when there is any problem on the wing, they can spot it right away as the aircraft is most danger during take-off and landing... At the same time, the captain can only look at what is happening in front of the airport, not at the side... So the window passenger can tell the cabin crew if they find anything unusual happening on the wing...
2) So that the passenger onboard the aircraft will slowly get use to the natural light from outside... So when there is an emergency occur, passengers could evacuate quickly and efficiently if they are use to the natural light already... If not, when the passenger get to the door, they may stay there for seconds which could cause danger for passenger behind them...
2006-11-18 10:23 pm
1)日間航班: 熄哂D燈,靠窗窗嘅陽光,直先起飛程序完成先開哂啲燈。
參考: me
2006-11-18 1:03 am
我問你 你在飛機會打開窗口的遮光蓋 ?


2006-11-19 11:26:42 補充:
人會多事的 !
參考: my
2006-11-16 9:18 pm
and also if accident happens and the power of plane is out, natural light from outside can go thru windows.
2006-11-16 9:05 pm
呢個問題, 我都有問過d空姐.
因為若不幸有乜野事, 大家都睇到出面發生乜野事, 如火, 煙.......
而且, 亦方便出面睇返入機倉.
參考: 空姐

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