
2006-11-16 8:43 pm
電話/Fax 打極都打唔通(接唔通), 英文點講?
電話/Fax無人聽/接, 英文又點講呢


回答 (9)

2006-11-16 8:50 pm
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電話/Fax 打極都打唔通(接唔通), 英文點講?
The phone / fax line cannot be connected.

The phone / fax line is engaged.

電話/Fax無人聽/接, 英文又點講呢
Nobody answers the phone / fax.
2006-11-17 12:05 am
1. the fax cannot go through.
2. there's no answer of this number.

以上都係鬼佬用的. 本人於德國公司做.
2006-11-16 11:58 pm
1.) 電話/Fax 打極都打唔通(接唔通), 英文點講?
Telephone (or fax) couldn't went through after number of tries.

2.) 電話/Fax無人聽/接, 英文又點講呢?
Nobody answers the phone.
參考: SELF
2006-11-16 9:58 pm
電話/Fax 打極都打唔通(接唔通), 英文點講?
The phone / fax line is engaged.
電話/Fax無人聽/接, 英文又點講呢
No one answers the call; no one picks / receives the fax.
2006-11-16 9:29 pm
1) 電話接唔通, Your line is occupied.
傳真接唔通, Your fax line is not through.

2) 電話無人接, Your line has no one answered.
傳真無人接, Your fax line has no reply.
2006-11-16 9:13 pm
The phone / fax line cannot be connected.

Nobody answers the phone / fax
參考: me
2006-11-16 9:11 pm
1. The number you have dialled is temporarily busy. Please call later.

2. The number you have dialled is not answered by other party or unavailable. Please call later.
參考: Myself
2006-11-16 8:47 pm
1. tel ( phone )/ fax cannot be connected
2.tel / fax left no answered
參考: me
2006-11-16 8:46 pm
The number you have dialed can not be reached at the moment,please call again later.
No answering

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