
2006-11-16 8:26 pm
想問下大家覺得呢隻股走勢點? 我0.021買入,,,,,,,,

回答 (2)

2006-11-16 8:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
23 Oct 06《經濟通專訊》根據聯交所資料顯示,漢基控股(0412)大股東莊友堅於上周四(19 日),增持1億股或0﹒85%公司股份,每股作價2﹒3仙,總值230萬元。   經增持後,莊氏之持股量增至41﹒54%。(cy)

You can hold till end of November see whether 412 can go up to 0.03, if not just sell it out.
2006-11-16 9:08 pm
This company has invested in Macau for gambling, so you can know if Macau's econ good, 412 increase..too..

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