
2006-11-16 8:26 pm
Therefore, my proficiency in both languages (are) proved.

係用 is 定係are

回答 (6)

2006-11-16 8:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
一定係 is
其實你的is/are (verb to be) 係講緊你的proficiency ,所以用is 先o岩既~
同埋因為proficency 係uncountable ,所以係is
2006-11-16 8:45 pm
because "my proficiency" is single and "in both languages" is perosition phrase, thus it is use "is" and no "are".
2006-11-16 8:44 pm
應該係 are , 可能因為係被動式 word 用左 my proficiency 做 subject.
參考: me
2006-11-16 8:42 pm
應該用 is
因為你係prove 你既proficiency in language
而唔係 prove language
所以 proficiency 先至係subject

而proficiency 係singular
所以應該用 is.
2006-11-16 8:41 pm
Therefore, my proficiency in both languages (IS) proved

"IS" uses for the "my proficiency" not for both languages...

Right !
2006-11-16 8:40 pm
因為個subject是proficiency(單數),不是both languages ,所以應該用is。
參考: 自己

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