
2006-11-16 5:55 pm
Should you have any queries, please contact me at 12345678
這裡有 幾多句complete sentence?
哪個是main verb?

另外,comma 可以用來分隔complete 嗎?還是 full stop 才可以?
he is not a like-for-like replacement, he starts games to roam in the pitch in search of goal.
i am a boy, you are a girl.
i am a boy. You are a girl

回答 (2)

2006-11-16 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
contact is the main verb
comma係用黎分隔一整句有關連既句子,若果前面果句係同後面果句冇關係就要用full stop,你上面果句係兩個不同的句子,所以要用full stop,除非果個句子係講緊同一個人,又或者緊接既句子亦是有關聯的,就可以用comma,最後果句係應該用 comma
2006-11-16 7:27 pm
Should you have any queries, please contact me at 12345678 應該說成:
If you have any queries, please contact me at 12345678. (
呢個係一句complete sentence. Main verb 係 have.

用唔用comma去分隔2句sentence, 就要睇個2句sentence既意思有無關係喇
如果後面個句係用黎解釋返之前個句, 或有補充第一句既意思, 就可以用comma.
(有些時候會用semi-colon (;), 你只想分comma 和 full stop 既用法所以係到就唔講喇)

如想2句句子俾人既感覺係2個separate ideas, 就應該用 full stop.
參考: myself

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