訂左電子機票12月去日本~ 有疑問呀!! 急!!

2006-11-16 8:03 am
小妹0係 zuji 訂左 12月 既機票去日本 (美國西北航空 , 一個人自遊行),

但因為小妹無信用卡的關係, 所以機票係叫朋友代我訂的 (那位朋友不會同我去日本),

請問0係 check in 當日 要唔要 出示訂機票的 credit card 呢?

如果要, 咁咪要我朋友同我一齊去機場先可以 check in 囉?

咁 check out 時 又要唔要出示 credit card 呢?

多問一句: 西北航空是否要早 3 個鐘去到 check in 呢?

請各位好心人解答我這個疑難..... 因為小妹第一次出國.. 什麼也不懂.. 好怕去唔成...


回答 (4)

2006-11-16 5:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
nw /ua d airline宜家係check得好緊,detail好多,雖然你係去日本,但架機只係過境日本,所以佢地都會check得好detail,預3個hours一定要,d時間唔好計得太緊,飛機唔會等人的,你最緊要間佢地幾點會close counter,唔再做check-in

2006-11-16 22:29:30 補充:
e ticket 係咪即係 print out 出來果張收據?yes!咁 由日本返來 check out..... 係咪都係出示 e ticket 張 print out?定係佢出比張真機票我?佢一定唔會另出一張機票俾你,係你拿住lee張e-ticket,東京的機場係有d機器會同你做check-in的,有中文choose,仲有d識english的機場staff幫你的,入晒你的information後,咁就會有張登機証俾你.但你在hk機場check-in時,再detail問下個地勤姐姐在日本做check-in個情況會好d
2006-11-16 5:58 pm
No need to worry~ They will not ask you to show the credit card... only show them your passport and e-ticket. By the way, u HAVE to 早 3 個鐘去到 check in because it is a US Airline and there will be many security checks (i took NW to Japan last month; HK to Japan had 4 security checks -___-) So be safe and get there early! On your way back from Japan to HK, take the 1pm or 2pm limousine bus from Shinjuku (if u are staying at shinjuku)... u will arrive around 3-3:30pm (NW airline departs at 6:30pm) and there's a security check before check in... need to line up.

PS. if u are taking the limousine bus from Tokyo to Narita Airport, make sure u avoid the busy hour (after 3pm); otherwise u will be really late..
2006-11-16 8:16 am
以我所知唔需要出示信用咭, 你只要出示護照給航空公司核對機票上的姓名就可以

至於提早 Check In 要睇當時情況, 你可以出發前一日打電話去西北航空問一問就穩鎮啲
2006-11-16 8:14 am
其實你已經俾左錢, 去到機場後 (不論香港或日本). 你都無須出示你朋友的 credit card. 只須出示Passport及你的e-ticket vocuher 便可以了. 請不用擔心

反而我覺得去日本都無張credit card 傍身, 去到日本既酒店 (雖然你可能住民宿或朋友家), 絕大部份酒店都要你張credit card 做 gurantee. 我諗, 你都係去出張 credit card 好d. 如果怕遲, 可考慮citibank的credit card, 他們有一張credit card係可以即日拿到的, 當然信用額會好低, 但由於酒店做Gurantee唔會過數, 所以應該對你唔會有影響...又夠方便....!

西北航空去美國是要3小時前check in, 但你去日本, 應該2小時便更可以了.


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