
2006-11-16 4:27 am
(b)How much does Mabel have to pay for the handbag?

2)The marked price of a TV set is $4200.John buys it at a discount of 20% and then sells it to Mary.If John makes a profit of 20% after selling the TV set to Mary.
(a)how much dose he pay for the TV set originally?
(b)how much does he sell the TV set to Mary for?


回答 (3)

2006-11-16 6:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1a) (1-25%)y = 250
75%y = 250
75y/100 = 250
y = 250 x 100/75
y = 1000/3
y = 333.33333

1b) $ 250 因為題目話個店員收Mabel$250 (除非你打錯題目)

2a) 4200 x (1-20%)
= 4200 x 80%
= 4200 x 80/100
= 3360

2b) 3360 x (1 + 20%)
= 3360 x 120%
= 3360 x 120/100
= 4032
2006-11-17 2:41 am
1a) $250 x (1+25%)
= 250 x 125%
= $312.5
2006-11-16 4:46 am
(b)$250 ==""

2(a) $4200x80%=$3360
(b) $3360x(1+20%)=$4032

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