
2006-11-16 3:05 am

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2006-11-16 4:13 am
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(1)大馬國歌: 霹靂州歌(Negara Ku 《我的祖國》)


這麼一來,使霹靂蘇丹與隨員們大為受窘,因為當時霹靂州還沒有州歌。後來幸好蘇丹的私人秘書拉惹哈崙靈機一動,把平時哼慣了的“Terang Bulan”,當作霹靂州州歌,在英國的南漢敦首次演奏。


“Terang Bulan”的調子,當作州歌的調子。從那一天過後,這支調子即被採納為霹靂州州歌。

大家所熟悉的馬來西亞國歌(Negara-Ku)調子其實是採納霹靂州州歌。而霹靂州州歌又是採用流行的馬來民謠─“皎潔的月光”(Terang Bulan)。







結果,因為這些詞曲的風格過於歐化,委員會經過審慎考慮之後,決定全部不錄用,並決定從各州的州歌中,選用1首作為獨立後的“馬來亞國歌”;在這決定之下,霹靂州州歌“Terang Bulan”被採納為“馬來亞國歌”,也就是今日馬來西亞的國歌。


柔佛州也是很早擁有州歌。阿武峇加蘇丹殿下及王子伊不拉欣經常舉行各種的集會或慶典。在1897年,一位樂隊指揮M.雅禮申,選了一首流行的馬來民謠─“龍郎沙央”(Dondang Sayang),在皇室的慶典上演奏,當時,這首歌最初是沒有歌詞的。


雪蘭獲州在20世紀初期,王子與大臣哈芝木討論選用州歌的問題,結果選用馬來詩歌“甜又美”(Chantek Manis)的曲子作為雪州州歌,同時訓令一位樂隊指揮修改以適合樂隊的演奏。


森美蘭州統治者端姑默哈末,1911年採用了一首由英籍官員魯克里格改編的歌曲為州歌。在這之前,森州也曾採用一首馬來歌曲“丹絨武雅”(Tanjung Bunga)來作為演奏時的歌曲,這首歌曲也是英人所創作的,在第2次世界大戰期間歌曲曾被修改。












2006-11-16 3:16 am

"Negaraku" or "Negara Ku" is the national anthem of Malaysia. "Negaraku" was selected as a national anthem at the time of the Federation of Malaya's independence from Britain in 1957. The title means My Country. The tune was borrowed from a popular song of that time, Terang Bulan, which was serving as the state anthem of Perak.


At the time of independence, each of the eleven States of Malaya that made up the Federation had their own anthem, but there was no anthem for the Federation as a whole. Tunku Abdul Rahman, at the time the Chief Minister and Minister for Home Affairs, organized and presided over a committee for the purpose of choosing a suitable national anthem. On his suggestion, a worldwide competition was launched. 514 entries were received from all over the world. None were deemed suitable.

Next the committee decided to invite selected composers of international repute to submit compositions for consideration. The composers chosen were Benjamin Britten, Sir William Walton who had recently composed the march for Queen Elizabeth II's coronation, the American opera composer Gian Carlo Menotti and Zubir Said, who later composed the National Anthem of Singapore. They were all turned down too.

The Committee then turned to the Perak State Anthem. On August 5 1957 it was selected on account of the "traditional flavour" of its melody. New lyrics for the National Anthem were written jointly by the Panel of Judges— with the Tunku himself playing the leading role.

At the time this melody was, while still the State Anthem of Perak, also a well-known and popular Malay song under the title, Terang Bulan ("Bright Moon").

The song had been very popular on the island of Mahé in the Seychelles. where the Sultan of Perak had formerly been living in exile. He heard it at a public band concert on the island, a song to a popular French melody, originally composed by the lyricist Pierre Jean de Beranger (1780-1857), who was born and died in Paris. When a member of the Perak royal family was invited to a reception in Europe, he was asked what his state anthem was. Realizing that his state did not in fact possess an anthem, he, in order not to appear backward in front of his hosts, proceeded to hum the aforementioned tune. Thus was an anthem born.

The tune was later introduced into an Indonesian Bangsawan (Opera), which was performing in Singapore. In no time at all, the melody became extremely popular and was given the name Terang Bulan. Aside from its dignity and prestige as the Perak State Anthem, the tune became a Malayan "evergreen", playing at parties, in cabarets and sung by almost everybody in the 1920s and 1930s. (Today, of course, since independence, it is not played as a popular melody, and any such use is proscribed by statute.)

Traditionally Negaraku was introduced with a short drum roll "which beckons the audience to attention, and heralds a stately pace, where the nation sings its pledges of loyalty to King and country. It continues serenely to express the unity of our multiethnic population and our gratitude to God for His blessings. And as the music repeats the coda section, praying for the safety of our enthroned King, there comes a stirring crescendo of drum rolls and cymbals, which culminates in a poignantly dignified ending."

收錄日期: 2021-04-14 00:30:13
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