
2006-11-16 1:17 am

回答 (22)

2006-11-16 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
2006-11-24 7:30 pm

2006-11-24 11:31:52 補充:
n.1. 家,家庭;家人[C][G]My family is large.我的家是個大家庭。His family are all waiting for him.他的一家人都在等他。2. 家族[C][G]They are members of the Royal family.他們是皇家成員。3. 子女[S]She has a large family.她子女多。4. 【動】【植】科;【化】【數】【天】族;【語】語族[C]
參考: Yahoo!字典
2006-11-24 6:16 am
2006-11-16 1:23 am
參考: 字典
2006-11-16 1:23 am
但又可以解成father and mother i love you
2006-11-16 1:22 am
=Father and mother i love you
( f ) ( a ) ( m ) ( i )( l ) ( y )
參考: meself
2006-11-16 1:21 am
For other senses of this word, see family (disambiguation).

A family of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso in 1997A family consists of a domestic group of people (or a number of domestic groups), typically affiliated by birth or marriage, or by analogous or comparable relationships — including domestic partnership, cohabitation, adoption, surname and (in some cases) ownership (as occurred in the Roman Empire).

In many societies, family ties are only those recognized as such by law or a similar normative system. Although many people (including social scientists) have understood familial relationships in terms of "blood", many anthropologists have argued that one must understand the notion of "blood" metaphorically, and that many societies understand 'family' through other concepts rather than through genetics.

Article 16(3) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says: "The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State".

[edit] The family cross-culturally
According to sociology and anthropology, the family has the primary function of reproducing — biologically, sociologically, or both - society. Thus, one's experience of one's family shifts over time. From the perspective of children, the family functions as a family of orientation: the family serves to locate children socially, and plays a major role in their enculturation and socialization. From the point of view of the parent(s), the family serves as a family of procreation with the goal of producing, enculturating and socializing children.

Producing children, however important, does not exhaust the functions of the family. In societies with a sexual division of labor, marriage (and the resulting relationship between a husband and wife) must precede the formation of an economically productive household. In modern societies marriage entails particular rights and privileges that encourage the formation of new families even when participants have no intention of having children.

[edit] Types of family
The structure of families traditionally hinges on relations between parents and children, on relations between spouses, or on both. Anthropologists have called attention to three major types of family:

Note: this typology deals with "ideal" families. All societies tolerate some acceptable deviations from the ideal or statistical norm, owing either to incidental circumstances (such as the death of a member of the family), to infertility or to personal preferences.

[edit] Matrifocal families
A matrifocal family consists of a mother and her children — generally her biological offspring, although nearly every society also practises adoption of children. This kind of family commonly develops where women have the resources to rear their children by themselves, or where men have more mobility than women. Some indigenous South American and Melanesian societies are matrifocal.

Among polygynous societies studied along the Orinoco river system in southern Venezuela, families are set up in two levels. The larger system consists of one man, one to five women, and their children. The smaller matrifocal family consists of each woman and her children. The children are reared by their mothers as they would in a simple matrifocal system, with most fathers not being closely involved.
參考: wikipedia
2006-11-16 1:20 am

[编辑] 家庭观念的演变


[编辑] 家庭的功能


1. 家,家庭;家人[C][G]
My family is large.
His family are all waiting for him.
2. 家族[C][G]
They are members of the Royal family.
3. 子女[S]
She has a large family.
4. 【動】【植】科;【化】【數】【天】族;【語】語族[C]
2006-11-16 1:19 am
father and mather I love you
參考: me
2006-11-16 1:19 am
參考: me

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