818 Pro PDA Phone 與籃芽立體聲耳筒

2006-11-16 12:36 am
我有部 818 pro PDA phone, 新換了 iTech clip S38 籃芽 hand free, 但用雙線沒有立體聲, 有前輩指教嗎?可否用 software 補救?

市面上有一些籃芽 hand free , 與 PDA 電話配對是可用來聽歌的,還有立體聲。iTech clip S38 也可以,但不支援 Dopod 818 Pro。 我試過在 Dopod 818 Pro 開啟語音命令后,再開 Window Media,是可以用來聽歌的,但沒有立體聲。 聽說有 software 安裝上 Dopod 818 Pro 后,是可支援 iTech clip S38 籃芽 hand free用來聽歌。 所以特來請教各位前輩。


Dopod 818 pro 不支援 A2DP 功能,無法使用藍芽耳機聽音樂嗎?

回答 (3)

2006-11-20 7:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
有以下setting 可供參考,不過要你先識用外掛 pda 既 regedit 功能

A2DP support on HTC Device with AKU 2.0 ROM - Tested on 818pro (Chi & Eng)

A2DP support on HTC Device with AKU 2.0 ROM - Tested on 818pro (Chinese and English OS)

It required to install some file and change registry setting.

1. The ROM should be updated as latest AKU2 ROM

2. Extract the attached *.zip file. Find this files Avrcp_MPplugin.dll, bta2dp.dll and sbc.dll. Copy these three files to \Windows thru ActiveSync.

3. You also find this file Tor_A2DP_cert.CAB . Copy this file to any folder (I recommend \My Documents), and install it in PDA.

4. Import or modify A2DP-related registry values as follows, I use resco editor.

Add Key Value
Add > Default ="WMP Mobile A2DP Plugin" (Use String Value)

Add Key Value
Add > "ThreadingModel"="Free" (Use String Value)
Add > Default ="Avrcp_MPplugin.dll" (Use String Value)

Add Key Value

Add Key Value

Add > "FriendlyName"="Windows Media Player Mobile A2DP Plugin"(Use String Value)
Add > "Description"="Integrates Bluetooth A2DP functionality with Windows Media Player Mobile" (Use String Value)
Add > "Capabilities"=dword:02000001 (Use Dword Value)

Add Key Value
Add > Default ="Wireless Stereo" (Use String Value)
Add >"bthutil.dll"=dword:00000000 (Use Dword Value)

Add Key Value

Add > "Flags"=dword:00010002 (Use Dword Value)
Add > "Index"=dword:00000008 (Use Dword Value)
Add > "Order"=dword:00000008 (Use Dword Value)
Add > "Prefix"="WAV" (Use String Value)
Add > "Dll"="bta2dp.dll" (Use String Value)

5. Long Press Power button > Power Off and Turn On Again.

6. Deleted any bluetooth headset pair and soft reset.

7. You can enable A2DP for your stereo headset, from COMM Manager Turn on Bluetooth- 1. Setting - 2. Bluetooth Setting - 3. Devices - Create partnership. Select your A2DP headset - Set as Wireless Stereo !!

lets try!!
2006-11-16 2:02 am
除非手機本身已直接支援A2DP, 好似 "Motorola 明" , 便可藍芽聽歌, 其他 ppc phone, symbian phone , NOKIA N series, 要另裝軟件, 如 MSI PLAYER, 或其他 patch 先可, 可參考以下網址
2006-11-16 12:38 am

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