oral exam...我應該係句子邊到停頓?

2006-11-16 12:25 am
就黎oral exam.....我一向oral exam都好唔掂....今次想考好d...不過有個投考唔掂....就係一d好多既句子而中間又無任何停頓(即係無, & .)咁我又唔夠氣讀哂成句....咁應該係d句子既乜野地方停頓先岩??下面比個例句:(唔好only講個例句既停頓....要講一般既長句既停頓要係邊)

EG:the boy who was about sixteen years old and was wearing a jacket put a box of chocolate and a can coke into the pocket

EG:they walked quickly as if they were about to leave the supermarket without paying for the goods.

回答 (2)

2006-11-16 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
EG: The boy who was about sixteen years old and was wearing a jacket, put a box of chocolate and a can of coke into the pocket.

EG: They walked quickly, as if they were about to leave the supermarket(,) without paying for the goods.

我覺得通常都係響d conjunction果度停 ..
或者每完左一個phrase就停下 ..
參考: own experience
2006-11-16 12:52 am

EG:the boy who was about sixteen years old (停) and was wearing a jacket (停) put a box of chocolate and a can coke into the pocket

EG:they walked quickly as if they were about to leave the supermarket (停)without paying for the goods.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:44:30
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