Unfortunately , the world is torn

2006-11-15 11:13 pm
Unfortunately, the world is torn asunder with misunderstanding, distrust, and even violent hatreds. why? Are misunderstandings and misconceptions of nations and of peoples other than the group to which each belongs at the root of the trouble?
個which 係指D咩?
不幸地,誤解,不信任,甚至惡意的暴力令世界支離破碎,點解?係因為各國間和人與人之間的誤解 (跟著應該點譯?)........................................................

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Unfortunately, the world is torn asunder with misunderstanding, distrust, and even violent hatreds. why? Are misunderstandings and misconceptions of nations and of peoples other than the group to which each belongs at the root of the trouble?

很不幸,這世界被誤解,不信任,甚至憎恨被撕開兩邊。何解?在問題的根源,那些誤解及錯的觀念,是源於不同國家和種族,還是每個人本身所屬的組別 (如農民,工人,商人,窮人,富人等)?


Are misunderstandings and misconceptions of nations and of peoples other than the group to which each belongs at the root of the trouble?


Are misunderstandings and misconceptions due to different nations and peoples, rather than to the group to which each belongs at the root of the trouble?


Are XXX and XXX of XXX and of XXX, other than (= instead of) XXX?

XXX 和 XXX, 是屬於 XXX 和 XXX 的問題,而並非 XXX 的問題?

the group to which each belongs = 每個人所屬的組別

which = the group

這是 preposition + relative pronoun

2006-11-16 2:37 am
Are misunderstandings and misconceptions of nations and of peoples other than the group to which each belongs at the root of the trouble?

Which指上句中的 “the group”。

首先單看這句, the group to which each belongs,
(這個團體既指國家也指種族, 對應句子前部分所說的nations和peoples)

這個句子是倒裝句, 比如:
I belong to B group.
B group is the group to which I belong.
加上which去把I belong和B group連接起來。

Who, when, where….等等都有這種用法, 例如:
I go to Central.
可以說成Central is where I go to.
或是Central is the place to where I go.

然後是other than 除了
other than the group 除了那個團體
哪個團體?? 當然就是後句補充的to which each belongs。

好了, 來到misunderstandings and misconceptions of nations and of peoples,
哪些國家和種族?? 當然是除了各自所屬的國家和種族 (other than the group to which each belongs)。

很不幸, 誤解, 不信任, 甚至惡意的暴力令世界支離破碎, 為什麼? 難道對於不是自己所屬的國家和種族的誤解與錯誤想法是導致問題的根源嗎?

2006-11-17 09:37:34 補充:
下面的朋友,other than 和 rather than是有分別的,而且misconceptions of xx 和misconceptions due to xx是完全不同的結構用法, 完全不同的意思一個是果, 一個是因不能隨意更改對換改了, 句子的意思當然也不同了還有不覺得世界的支離破碎和人的職業、工作等拉上關係很奇怪嗎?甚麼時候看報紙會看到中東人憎恨美國人是因為其職業的?
2006-11-16 1:15 am
which係呢到黎講, 可以指係唔屬於misunderstandings同misconceptions of nations 既個d人.


很不幸, 世界被誤解, 不信任, 甚至強烈的憎恨導致分裂. 為什麼? 各國間的誤解和不同的思想或其他人是導致問題的根源嗎?
2006-11-15 11:48 pm


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