please help me to transfer these words in chinese ,please 1.

2006-11-15 10:05 pm
In determining whether the prosecution has proved that the defendant was acting dishonestly,a jury must first of all decide wherther according to the ordinary standards of resonable and honest people what was done was dishonest.If it was not dishonest by those standards,that is the end of matter and the prosecution fails.

回答 (2)

2006-11-16 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
陪審團要確定控方是否有足夠證據證明被告有不誠實行為時, 首先要考慮案中的行為, 對一般具理智而誠實的人而言, 是否被視為不誠實. 若根據此標準, 案中的行為並不被視為不誠實, 則控方已失敗, 無需再繼續此案.

2006-11-15 18:00:36 補充:
some corrections: 中間: 若根據 這套 標準.最後, 則控方已 舉證 失敗

2006-11-15 18:00:43 補充:
some corrections: 中間: 若根據 這套 標準.最後, 則控方已 舉證 失敗

2006-11-15 18:00:45 補充:
some corrections: 中間: 若根據 這套 標準.最後, 則控方已 舉證 失敗
2006-11-16 12:30 am
在確定是否起訴,需要證明被告不誠實地行動, 陪審員必須全部首先決定根據普通的標準,即一個合理及誠實的人做了什麼是不能達到那些不誠實的標準, 這便是起訴問題的最後定案。

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