Some persons may ask.. 請幫忙 qq

2006-11-15 9:55 pm
Some persons may ask, ``Why bother about a better understanding and appreciation among all peoples?`` For the most part, this would be recognized as a question of the indifferent and the unthinking.

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For the most part (of the persons)= 這裏指大部分人

for the most part - definition by dict.die.netNote: Most is used as a noun, the words part, portion, quantity, etc., being omitted, and has the following meanings: 1. ... For the most part, in reference to the larger part of a thing, or to the majority of the persons, instances, ... - 13k

this = the question `Why bother about a better understanding and appreciation among all peoples?`


有些人會問: 為何要為所有人能夠更懂得互相欣賞和了解而煩惱呢? 對大部份人來說,會認為發問此問題的,是冷漠,不懂思想的人。

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