check grammar

2006-11-15 9:12 pm
As our company establishes within a year and currently facing an aggressive competition. Undoubtly we are strong enough to build up a reliable and famous reputation in customer

回答 (3)

2006-11-16 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案

首先, company + has, 不是have。

另外, "cast reliable and famous reputation to our customer"
這句感覺很怪, 不太生活化,


Our company has established less than a year. Although currently facing keen competition, we are undoubtedly strong enough to build reliable reputation among our customers.

PS 不需要這樣大動肝火地罵人吧, 大家都是有不明白才來這裡問人的, 如果本來就英語滿分的話就不用問了, +知識的存在就是要集思廣益, 要大家互相幫忙呀~~

2006-11-15 16:30:05 補充:
想把三句都連起來的話, 可以:Having established less than a year, our company is currently facing keen competition; however, we are undoubtedly strong enough to build reliable reputation among our customers.關於為何however前用分號, 請參考
2006-11-15 9:55 pm
這是甚麼句子!!! 先不論grammar有否錯誤﹐你將之翻譯成中文看看-
Our company have established less one year / not over one year
還有, As在這裡是conjunction﹐解作因為,and又是conjunction﹐老師沒有教你兩句sentences只可以用一conjuction來連接嗎? 另外﹐點解你第二句沒有verb,只用了gerund (facing)﹐大佬呀﹐你咁嘅句子都寫得出來﹐真是嚇死外國人﹐笑死中國人。
未講完﹐沒有這個字undoubtly﹐doubt是verb也是noun﹐當你可用作adverb,唔係後面加 ly 就得﹐[亳無疑問地]應該是 undoubtedly﹐或者你用advert phrase ' Without any doubt' 都得; build up reliable and famous reputation to customers (reputation是uncountable noun﹐不能加' a '﹐ to customers (唔係in customer)一定要加s﹐除非你公司只得一個客。

Our company have established nearly one year. Though we have been currently facing keen competition, we are undoubtedly strong enough to cast reliable and famous reputation to our customer


2006-11-15 21:47:25 補充:
回應下面的朋友,我用have而不用has是因為回應版主用we去代表公司,至於famous reputation,你說得對這的確有reduntancy之嫌,只不過我盡量保留原句句子之詞語,但我很喜歡你用among our customers
2006-11-15 9:21 pm
Our company has established within a year and now we are currently facing an aggressive competition. However, I believe with our reliable and famous reputation, the customers will continue to support us.

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