請問該如何測試食水水質呢? (急用)

2006-11-15 9:05 pm
first off, 這是我學校的school project
My group's research question is "how does the school water quality affect the living organisms"
OK, my problem is,我不曉得該如何測試水質&究竟有什麼chemicals are harmful to人體?
Besides the PH level, does anyone know any other ways to test the water?
For example like is there any easy & simple ways to test the % of lead in the water?



回答 (2)

2006-11-16 7:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
ok, if you have really good patience and wanna to have a good project, please go to WHO to see articles related to drinking water......
in short....
metals (esp. heavy metal) by using ICP-MS, there are some portable meter...but the detection limit is not that good, indeed, they usually used in waste water......
organic substances (including pestiscides, aromatic hydrocarbons....etc) by using GC/MS
pH as you stated (pH meter)
microorganism (you can see a list in the WHO drinking water......) by culturing them.....
so and so......
i think the WHO articule contain everything you need.....(maybe not the expertimental.....but it is not hard to find)

2006-11-15 23:21:11 補充:
上面位人兄.....如果可以就咁vaporize所有野....我唔知你要幾多sample喇.......仲有d microorganism......VOC........佢地唔通就唔理?
2006-11-15 9:11 pm
I tihnk you can use vaporisation to take out all the water and remains the substances and do the test with the substances..... just like vaporize all the sea water willl remain salt....and do the test with salt

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