What was the purpose of using control samples?

2006-11-15 7:17 pm
o係要test下d enzymes o係唔同既temperture and pH有咩變化...

其中一枝test tube...係under room temperture 同冇add任何acid or base...
e+....佢就問.....點解要有一枝test tube要咁做.....

(answer要in english~ please)

回答 (2)

2006-11-15 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The purpose of setting up a test tube like this is to make comparison to the neutral pH...(pH7 in normal)...

If after you add acid or base, the result is deviated from the test tube that contain no acid or base. This indicates that the addition of base or acid is the cause of the change in result...

You called the setting up a test tube which used to make comparison is the control set up. Usually, control set-up is the set which all are the same as the experimental one except one condition...
2006-11-16 5:53 am
set control experiment ,proof that all the result is due to the treatment

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