why i can't buy the.......

2006-11-15 7:02 pm
why i can't buy the .......................to my tamagotchi go to a trip????????????????????????????

please tell me because i want my tamagotchi go to the trip!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2006-11-20 6:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Maybe because ...

you don't have enough points!
The cheapest ticket cost $2000!!!

The shop doesn't sell the ticket, it doesn't sell all the time, Good luck!

3.Your tamagotchi is not a 成人!It can't use the ticket unless it change to 成人!

Hope your tamagotchi go to the trip!!!!!!!


Thanks so much!!!!

do you still remember that you said you will give me points??
參考: me!
2006-11-20 2:08 am
try many times,many times.It's not always in the shop,Better luck!!!

PS:You must be成人!!!

2006-11-19 18:23:48 補充:
I don't mean You must be成人才can buy,you can buy it when you small.But,if you need to use, You must be成人!!!
參考: me

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