
2006-11-15 4:00 pm

回答 (3)

2006-11-15 4:46 pm
寫野 拿野 打字
2006-11-15 4:14 pm
It is longest of your finger
It is very useful

The index finger, pointer finger or forefinger is the second digit of a human hand, located between the thumb and the middle finger. It is usually the most dextrous finger of a hand and is usually used to point to things (a direction, an object etc.), thus it is also called the pointer finger. It is also called the second finger, index, digitus secundus, or digitus II in anatomy.
As mentioned above, the forefinger can be used for pointing. However, this gesture is considered rude in some countries (Brunei, for instance), and other gestures are used instead.

A lone index finger often is used to represent the number 1, or when held up or moved side to side (finger-wagging), it can be an admonitory gesture. With the hand held palm out, it represents the letter d in the American Sign Language alphabet. In sports, it can also represent victory, as some championship-winning teams raise their index finger while posing for a championship team photo.

During the Bosnian war, Serbo-Bosnian troops raised three fingers in a sign of victory, Bosnian Croats raised the two-finger V-sign and Muslims raised one (after the strict monotheism of Islam).

The two index fingers are generally used for hunt and peck typing.

Studies have also found that a smaller index finger compared with the ring finger indicates a better athlete.[1]
參考: Wikipedia
2006-11-15 4:10 pm

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