Three important advantages of getting a college education

2006-11-15 2:06 pm
some ideas,,please

回答 (4)

2006-11-15 2:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Increase your opportunity on getting a better paid job and career advancement.
2. To learn a wide range of knowledge in various fields.
2. To learn how to study/learn in a fast pace and high stress environment.
2006-11-20 2:42 am


Obviously, there is a trend for students to complete their college rather than get in the society. It is because more and more people believe that advantages which are offered by the college are larger.Especially, Hong Kong is facing a great development in these decades. Employees are required to be knowledgable, professional and intelligable. In sum,College eduation becomes a inseparate part to our society.

1) exchange their mind to the foreigner:
To beginning with, it was proved that the students can gain more knowledge of different culture by staying together with each other. Mostly, college provides more opportunity to let the teenager to stay with foreign students.Although the students may have a couple of problems at first as the different cultures and languages, the problems will decrease because the moderation of each other. The students benefits from exchanging their values and ideas with the foreigners and they are more creative than the others .

2) the freedom to manage their own schedule
Secondly, the students have more flexibility to arrange their life schedule more reasonably. The control power from their families decrease. Before they have been studying in previous years, they have less opportunity to arrange their plan. For instance, when to study, when to have the exercise and when to sleep. It is generally believe that the students become more organized and independent after they finish their study.

3) the student become more independent
Moreover, the students,espescially for the overseas students,they have more chance to solve the problems by themselves because they can not rely on their parents. Such as, suppose they get illness the foreign countries. Their parents probably can not come there to look after them immediately. As a result, they are braver and take more responsible of themselves.

In conclusion, abroad can let the students become more knowlegable, creative and mature. Gradually, after the students finish their studies, they can improve self quality and thus they can more constructive for their hometown and the world.

參考: me
2006-11-20 12:26 am
1. Learn more experience of daily life
2. Learn how to independent
3.Learn how to study and preparethe test
4. Learn how to make friend
5 Learn the relationship with other
6. Learn how to help other

I hope this will help you
2006-11-15 2:46 pm
1. be competitive, for work and between people
2. improve status, lifestyle, way of life, level of income
3. be educated, lifelong learning

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