Rearranging the equation f(x)=0 into the form x=g(x)

2006-11-15 1:07 pm
can anyone explain to me what this method is all about???

回答 (2)

2006-11-15 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think that he is asking what the purpose is NOT how to rearrange the another form.

It is used to find the solution of f(x) = 0.

Find the value for the initial x[0] so that f(x) is quite close to 0 by trial and error.

If you transfer it to x = g(x),

x[1] = g(x[0])
x[2] = g(x[1])
x[3] = g(x[2])
x[n+1] = g(x[n])
and so on... until you find that it is enough accuracy.
參考: my mathematical knowledge
2006-11-15 8:39 pm
The simple way to do:
f(x) = 0
0= f(x)
x+0=x+ f(x)
0= f(x)
1+0= 1+f(x)

So, you see that there are a lot of ways to make x=g(x).

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