
2006-11-15 9:45 am

回答 (5)

2006-11-15 7:41 pm
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I am not a Christisn, but I grew up in a Christisn school and my husband is a Christian and he studies bible everyday. And I do have two bibles: New International Version in Chinese/English, and one English New World Translation.
I compare these two English translation with the Chinese one and found out New World Translation Bible is better than New International Version.
New World Translation English bible is very close to New International Chinese Bible, closer than New International English translation is. Most english bibles, except New World Translation, do not mention Jehovah at all, but Chinese bibles do.
However, some people believe that New World Translation is edited by Jehovah's Witnesses and it is not reliable. But if you read both English bibles, you will find out which one is better. I usually read the New International Version Chinese sculptures first, then its English translation, lastly the New World Translation.

King James Version of the Bible is the first major English translation. I was told that the translation was very careful, but I personally have not read it yet. I only know this much about it.

In conclustion, no mater what translation you select, they all tell the same time proven, enduring message. To augment understanding of the Bible, I would suggest reading whatever version you prefer with a copy of The New Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible. This book has Greek and Hebrew dictionaries. You do not have to know Greek or Hebrew to use the dictionaries. The words you want defined are looked up in the concordance in English and referenced by numbers in the Greek or Hebrew dictionaries. While the words are in Greek or Hebrew, they are also transliterated into English.
參考: My husband, myself, New International Version Holy Bible and New World Translation of the Holy Sculptures
2006-12-01 1:30 pm
Do not use New World Translation!!! Jehovah Witness is not the true christianity!!!
2006-11-25 10:18 am
King James Version
2006-11-15 10:35 pm
Revised Standard Version 至今仍是最依照聖經原文(希伯來文與希臘文)的英譯本。出版已超過五十年,為今日的人英文較難懂。New Revised Standard Version嘗試作出改善(上世紀九十年代出版),但各宗派評語不一。

如果你英文不是特別好,又不是為讀神學而讀英文聖經,Good News Bible 是較理想的版本。經文是「意譯」而非「直譯」,很易讀。各宗派都有採用。
2006-11-15 2:12 pm
網絡中英聖經. 聖經 中英對照, 英文欽定譯本, 簡易英文譯本, 簡體中文和合本, 繁體中文和合本. 聖經學習工具 中英對照, 聖經查詢, 查經指南

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