hilary duff...

2006-11-15 9:16 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-15 2:56 pm
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Butter Ball (金黃頭 - 形容她個頭) 其實份人無咩點... 不過就算係加拿大都有好多人唔鐘意佢。
的感覺去表現。電影裡只有佢最好﹑最清楚﹑最明白事理﹑等等~ 好似個個人都係錯係她最好等等。



2006-11-17 07:14:56 補充:
Well, I don't know who is Lindsay Lohan... but I did know alot of people don't like Hilary.Beside, Hilary just has her new perfume by using her name. As you can see, she change the way she look ... from butter ball to red hair..... maybe she want to change...
2006-11-17 2:48 am
People don't HATE hilary, she is a superstar. People under 16 either love Hil, or don't like Hil. Hilary is so cool! And she is so not fake, she is really real, she has a warm heart and she is kind and generous! I have no idea why any one would hate Hilary, she is so talented. Maybe because of Lindsay Lohan, people who love Lindsay, don't like Hilary.

2006-11-18 21:23:13 補充:
Hilary is the best singer in the world!!! Hilary is the best!!! You just misunderstand Hil. If a Hil haters know a little better of Hil, they will definately LOVE her!!! A hater turns into a Hilary lover after she watched Tyra Banks show which the guest is Hil. Try to watch it.

2006-11-18 21:23:59 補充:
And her new hair is not red!! It is dark brown, which looks gorgous on her. The previous one is burnette which is her natural hair color.

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