
2006-11-15 7:28 am
Neo-Marxism refers to new Marxism and it includes some different argument from Marx theory of society but some Neo Marxists still believe some fundamental principles form Marx. Through process of unionionization, people can shift their economic position from the proletariat to middle class and the proletariat would not turn into poorer so Neo Marxists have different idea form Marx theory.

回答 (2)

2006-11-15 11:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Neo-Marxism refers to new Marxism and it includes some different argument from Marx theory of society but some Neo Marxists still believe some fundamental principles form Marx. Through process of unionionization, people can shift their economic position from the proletariat to middle class and the proletariat would not turn into poorer so Neo Marxists have different idea form Marx theory.

1) ...to the new Marxism 會好 d,但係唔加我唔會覺得有問題

2)...different arguments,你無左個 s

3)...from the Marx's social theory / ...from the social theory of Marx

4)...some Neo-Marxists,你少左個 hyphen " - "

5)...principle of / from his theory

6)"工會化" 唔係 unionionization 而係 unionization

7)...from the proletariat to the middle class

8)我唔明 turn into poorer 係想講咩....
如果想話 "無產階級的情況不會再惡化"
我建議你話 "the situation of the proletariat would not be further worsen"

9) 我都建議係 8 提過果句之後加 " . ",有 d 停頓睇同聽都會舒服 d ^^

10)...So, the Neo-Marxists have (a different idea) / (different ideas) from the Marx theory

有 d 地方我唔係好明文意...

小弟才疏,希望可以幫到你! ^^
參考: 自己
2006-11-16 2:07 am
Neo means new; saying new Marxism is redundant in my opinion.
Unionization is misspelled.
When you use words like 'and' or 'but' as clause connectors, you must use comma after the preceding clause.
Your sentences are too long.

There are other problems, but I don't understand what you want to say to give more comments.

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