
2006-11-15 7:12 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-16 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
All university and company are accept IELTS.
HK government is also accept.
IELTS details
國際英語測試 (International English Language Testing System IELTS) 主要為計劃前赴澳洲或新西蘭等地升學之學生,以評審英語之能力,並作證明。此項測驗乃由University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL)、IDP及英國文化協會協辦。

IELTS已為多個海外升學熱門國家所承認的英語評估考試,當中包括澳洲,加拿大,紐西蘭,英國及美國等。於2002年,大學教育資助委員會正式宣佈IELTS為香港大學生統一英語水平評核的標準。而於2003年,香港公務員事務局將IELTS等同於 Governments Common Recruitment Examination Part 1 的Use of English Paper之成績。

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‧ 聆聽理解 (30 分鐘)
‧ 閱讀理解 (60 分鐘)
‧ 寫作能力 (60 分鐘)
‧ 會話能力 (11-14 分鐘)

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‧ 申請人只可於學術類(Academic)或通用類(General Training)兩單元中,選擇其一
‧ 其中學術類考試適合有志升學英澳大專學位課程之人士
‧ 通用類考試則合以報讀中學或專科技術教育(TAFE)學院課程的人士而設
‧ 通用類考試亦較適合用於工作及申請移民之人士
http://www.student.h k/exam/overseas/ielt s.php
2006-11-16 6:34 pm
There is not actual list of recognition of ielts.

However, most of the HK institutes (including universities) or most foreign companies are accepting IETLES as a qualitication. The recognition is similar as TOFEL.

All the students graduate from university are sent to have the test of IELTS before the graduation. Of course, the ielts wil not affect their actual grade. The more certificate you have in hand means the more value you have in bargaining the salary. But please note that the result of ielts is only valid for 2 years. So, if it is for applying for degree of university, you should see your way to do it.
2006-11-15 7:16 am

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