可否skip LCCI level 1 & II 直接去考LCCI level 3

2006-11-15 5:01 am
本人想讀LCCI Account 課程
係咪要由LCCI level 1 讀起?
可否skip LCCI level 1 & II 直接去考LCCI level 3?

回答 (4)

2006-11-15 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
是否需要由 LCCI level 1 讀起,要視符自己能力。

很多人都說 level 1 & 2很易讀,可以自修,但要留意下自己能力,因為根基打不好,再讀上去,無人會教回你無學 / 不明白那些。你可先買一本書看,嘗試自修,有不明白地方,問一下有讀會計的朋友。若果發現太多不明,那便要上堂。你可報讀一些短期課程,讀一個 level 大約三個月或65-70小時課程。

致於考試,你可以順序考﹑跳級考或只考 level 3。但你留意,一般 level 3 會比 level 1 & 2 深好多喔!
2007-04-25 1:35 pm
2006-11-16 7:41 pm
LCC 1, 2 & 3 is not compulsory and all of them is the foundation of being a professional in accounting. So you can skip not only LCC 1 & 2, but also LCC 3 too to save money and time. Most candidates finished LCC and then study HKIAAT or QP, you can directly study HKIAAT or QP and ignoring LCC.
But please pay attention that some courses for HKIAAT or QP are revision cources, which require you having some basic knowledge in accounting. If you have condifence to handle it, please ignore LCC.
2006-11-15 5:12 am
of course ok la!

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