A380 星期六幾點到香港?

2006-11-15 4:45 am
A380 星期六幾點到香港?

回答 (3)

2006-11-16 12:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Arrival Time: 1230 (18-11-2006--Sat.)
Departure Time: 0700 (19-11-2006--Sun)

The weather forecast said that the wind directions in these days will be NE. The plane may use RWY 07L/R. You can take the buses which head to HAECO and wait near the approach lights in order to take photos!
2006-11-15 7:15 am
幾點飛走:i don't know!(sorry)
參考: 討論區and my cousin
2006-11-15 7:03 am
The A380 is expected to arrive at Hong Kong at around mid-day...
But where you can spot the planes depence on which runway the aircraft will arrive on...
But it has been confirmed that the aircraft will be at Gate 60...

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