
2006-11-15 3:44 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-18 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
本園座落的高山由海拔150米向上延伸至600米,並且朝向四方八面。本園內可以找到一半以上的本港本土植物物種、大部分出現於香港的大型哺乳類動物,還有多種昆蟲、爬蟲類及兩棲類動物。這些野生動物中,更有香港特有種。此外,本園內有一條自大帽山 - 全港最高山峰 - 的山溪。它是本園食水的水源,明澄如鏡。自1995年起,嘉道理農場已進行有機耕作。植物保育方面的工作著重於保護及傳播本地稀有或瀕危蘭花、蕨類植物及提倡種植本土樹木。而動物保育方面,主要是協助原生物種康復,如照顧受傷的猛禽、哺乳類及爬行類動物。

2006-11-16 7:15 am

Spectacled or Common Caiman
普通短吻鼉 / 眼鏡凱門鱷
Caiman crocodilus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Jo and Kai the Spectacled Caiman arrived at Kadoorie Farm in July 1997. They were originally held as part of a Government confiscation by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and believed to be endangered 'Chinese Alligators'. The Fauna Conservation Department agreed to take on these reptiles and provide suitable long-term facilities. Later, we realized they were not in fact Chinese Alligators! However they were placed in this large facility and settled in quickly. Jo and Kai are quite popular with the visitors as they are easily seen enjoying basking in the sunshine.

阿祖及阿基於九七年七月到達本園. 這對政府充公的鱷魚, 開始時被認定為中國鱷魚, 寄養於中文大學之內. 其後, 本園動物保育部樂意為牠們提供一個合適的居所. 不久, 我們發現阿祖及阿基並非中國鱷魚, 而是生活在南美洲北部的眼鏡凱門鱷. 雖然如此, 牠們很快就適應了這個新家園, 並因常常在戶外享受日光浴關係, 受遊客注意, 而成為本園最受歡迎的住客之一.
參考: 我到嘉道理農場時拍了鱷魚介紹牌的照片.

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