Classical music

2006-11-15 3:35 am
有沒有人可以用英文介紹一下有關 仲夏夜之夢-結婚進行曲 ??


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2006-11-15 3:40 am
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這部作品分為兩個部分 -- 序曲及劇樂。序曲部分於1826年完成,最先是給自己和姊姊彈奏的鋼琴四手聯彈曲,後來又再改編為管絃樂曲。劇樂的部分於1843年完成,是應當時的普魯士國王威廉四世之請求而作,原曲共有十三段,現今音樂會中經常演奏的有其中五段 -- 1. 詼諧曲(Scherzo), 2. 間奏曲(Intermezzo), 3. 夜曲(Nocturne), 4. 結婚進行曲(Hochzeitsmarsch), 5. 野人之舞(Ruepltanz)。


此首「結婚進行曲」為C大調,生動的快板(Allegro Vivace)。




Midsummer Eve.
by Hughes, Edward Robert
(English, 1851-1917)
picture from CGFA
(used with permission)

這幅由英國畫家Hughes所畫的作品,就剛好名為「Midsummer Eve.」,和「仲夏之夜」的意思相同。畫中少女頭上戴著編織的花冠,於夏天的夜晚,在森林草地上為一群提著燈籠的小精靈圍繞,似乎正在接受精靈們給予的祝福!
畫中洋溢著幸福歡樂的氣氛,或許正在舉行一場奇異幻想的夏季婚禮呢! 因此 Francine 挑選這幅畫作搭配孟德爾頌的「結婚進行曲」,希望將幸福傳遞給大家,此時正值仲夏,也是中國的七夕情人節,Francine 也祝福所有的有情人不論是否成為眷屬,都能幸福久久 . . .



MIDI by Yuki

MIDI from the MIDI Farm
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2006-11-15 21:40:25 補充:
Mendelssohn&#39;s &quot;Wedding March&quot; is one of the best known of the pieces that he wrote for A Midsummer Night&#39;s Dream in 1842. It is one of the most played wedding marches.

2006-11-15 21:40:36 補充:
At weddings in many English-speaking countries, this piece is commonly used as a recessional, though frequently stripped of its episodes in this context.
2006-11-15 3:40 am
Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" is one of the best known of the pieces that he wrote for A Midsummer Night's Dream in 1842. It is one of the most played wedding marches.
At weddings in many English-speaking countries, this piece is commonly used as a recessional, though frequently stripped of its episodes in this context.
The first time it was used at a wedding was when Dorothy Carew wed Tom Daniel at St Peter’s Church, Tiverton, UK, on 2 June 1847. However it did not become popular at weddings until it was selected by Victoria, The Princess Royal for her marriage to the Crown Prince of Prussia on January 25, 1858.
The organ on which the "Wedding March" was allegedly composed is housed in St. Ann's Church in Tottenham.

參考: wikipedia

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