Local L/C

2006-11-15 3:21 am
我收到Local L/C, 怎收錢? 除了invoice + packing list, 還要準備什麼文件?

回答 (2)

2006-11-15 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
看local l/c 問你要什麼文件,按L/C的條款來做. 相信不會祇會問你拿invoice + packing list咁簡單. 你要補充他們問你什麼文件, 我才可以幫你.

1. 多數也要Certificate of Origin (可能是GSP Form A certificate of Origin).
2. Airway bill (By air) or Bill of lading (By sea) or Cargo Receipt issued by forwarder or applicant(for local delivery Hong kong).
3. may be asked for: Beneficiary's Certificate to certify some points you have carried out.
4. may be asked for CE & RoHS certificate for product meet with european standard (if electrical products for shipment to europe),
5. may be inspection certificate issued by applicant certifying goods have been inspected before shipment and found in good order and condition(this certificate you must get before deliver/loading.

Documents must be prepared and issued according to L/C terms. if any term you cannot carry out, find out the solution, otherwise tell applicant to remove. so confirm all terms you can carry out before you go ahead for production
2006-11-15 8:01 pm
you have to prepare:

(1). 3 Commercial invoice (signed and chop - by any authorized signature)
(2). 3 Pakcing List (signed and chop - by any authorized signature)
(3). Cargo Receipt (signed at the back with your company chop)

Other documents depends on what is call in the L/C (you did not indicate)
(1). Draft is the require when submit for collection (ask the Bank for a blank form)
(2). Form A is a licence like item require by PRC (it is optional, is L/C really call for such documents?)

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