L/C Urgent,...........tks

2006-11-15 3:18 am
我已做了L/C 給廠, 而廠也出了船..那我怎找數? 是否等我銀行通知? 我要準備什麼文件?

回答 (2)

2006-11-15 8:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if you did not specify in the L/C, usually the Banker will alert you the receipt of documents and the discrepancies (if any). At that time you can check the bills (doc) and accept the doc. Once you accept the doc, the Bank will pay on your behalf.
Note: when you apply a L/C, usually you have to state the contact no. and person.

Unless there is a authorized signature (such your boss) signed on the accepting documents issued by the Bank, there will no payment send to your supplier.

What you have to do is:
(1). Check the arrival date fo the goods with shipping company/airline
(2). Check the approximate date of free storage and handling charges
(3). Prepare invoice or packing list for re-selling the goods.
2006-11-15 4:18 am
if the factory already shipped out the goods. ask factory to fax/email you their :
1. sales invoice
2. packing list
3. Certificate of Origin (If you asked for this documents)
4. Bill of Lading (if it is container shipment, container number and seal number must be there, check from the shipping company's website and key in the container number, you will find if the container is really on board the vessel/voyage as mentioned on the bill of lading. the website will not show quantity or description or customer's details)
5. any other documents you asked in your L/C issued to factory.

so check all papers. especially the Certificate of Origin and Bill of Lading, if amendment need after certain time, like 3-4days after shipment, may be not able to get it amend. it is preferred that you will ask them to send you approval copy before they will apply for original. even if they fax/email you the original and you found mistake, tell them to amend before submit to bank otherwise bank will charge them descrepancy fees, also delaying your documents.

if all documents are proper, wait for your bank to receive via their bank. your bank will notify you arrival of documents and inform you descrepancy(if any) to ask for your acceptance.

if you find documents are OK, you just準備 money to pay and release documents from your bank. if not OK, tell beneficiary to amend. that is why I said you have to check before they submit to bank

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