達利屬19世紀?10 marks

2006-11-15 3:15 am

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2006-11-15 11:44 am
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薩爾瓦多·達利 Salvador Dali (May 11, 1904 - January 23, 1989)




達利除了繪畫,還涉足文學、電影、商業設計、時裝、室內設計、電視廣告等廣闊的領域,他的《偏執狂的批評革命》、《我的秘密生活》、《一個天才的日記》等,成為全世界研究 達利和超現實主義運動的珍貴材料。

1988年11月,病情惡化,被送到巴塞隆納的科龍醫院。在醫院中,西班牙國王親自探視,達利將自己為的一本詩送給他。1989年心臟病突發,並於那年1月23日於費格拉斯醫院中去世,享年82歲。他的遺體用防腐劑保存, 安葬在達利博物館中。

Salvador Dali (May 11, 1904 - January 23, 1989) was a surrealist painter born at Figueras (Catalonia). He was the son of a prosperous notary and spent his youth in the coastal fishing village of Cadaques where his parents built a studio for him. He showed talent for painting as a young man and attended the San Fernando Academy of Fine Arts in Madrid.

It was through magazines and publications that Dali, while still in Spain around 1927, discovered surrealism. In 1929 he arrived in Paris and shortly became part of the Paris Surrealist Group led by Andre Breton. In 1930 Dali met Gala Eluard, married to the poet Paul Eluard, and Gala was to become his lifetime companion and muse for Dali’s artwork.
Dali’s painting, Persistence of Memory (1931) is one of the best known surrealist works. He did not maintain a relationship with the Paris Surrealists for long due to personality clashes and differences in politics. In 1934 he was officially expelled from the Paris Surrealist group, but he continued to exhibit works in international surrealist exhibitions throughout the decade.

1939 he moved to Del Monte, California. From 1949 to 1950 Dali’s art went through a MysticalInPeriod which was followed by a Nuclear Period. He called this period his “classical” style in which he was preoccupied with science, history, and religion. The Museum of Modern Art in New York gave Dali a major exhibition in 1941. He made The Sacrament of the Last Supper which is now in the collection of the National Gallery in Washington D.C.

In 1974 Dali opened the Teatro Museo Dali in Figures, Spain. This was followed by retrospectives in Paris and London at the end of the decade. After the death of his wife, Gala, in 1982, Dali’s health began to fail. He lived as an invalid near his Teatro Museo and died in 1989.
2006-11-15 3:18 am
薩爾瓦多·達利(Salvador Dalí,Salvador Domenec Felip Jacint Dalí Domenech,1904年5月11日 - 1989年1月23日)是一位著名的西班牙加泰羅尼亞畫家,因他的超現實作品而聞名。達利是一位具有非凡才能和想象力的藝術家,他的作品將怪異夢境般的形象與卓越的繪圖技術和受文藝復興大師影響的繪畫技巧令人驚奇地混合在一起。他有一種對做出出格的事物而引起他人注意的狂熱愛好,並影響至他的公眾藝術形象,使他的藝術愛好者與評論家異常苦惱。

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