小妹想問下 舍膊 英語會話一問

2006-11-15 1:48 am
小妹想問下大家幾句平時用黎舍膊; 的英語會話

1. "唔關我事 ! "

2. "呢樣野係要有關部門的人, 才可以答你 !" (假如有d 客想問你一d 問題, 你想交比其他人)

3. "呢d 野,唔係我做嫁, 你搵其他人啦 ! "

回答 (4)

2006-11-15 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Sorry but this is not my scope 範圍 of business.
Sorry but can't help you with this.

2. You need to talk to the related department about this, they know better than I do.
2. Maybe you should to talk to the xxxxx department / xxxxx(someone) about this, they can help you I'm sure.

3. I'm sorry this is not part of my job, it would be better to ask other people to take care of it.
I'm sorry this is not quite my matters, maybe you should ask others to take care of it.

2006-11-15 8:47 am
1. "唔關我事 ! " - That's none of my business!"

2. "呢樣野係要有關部門的人, 才可以答你 !" (假如有d 客想問你一d 問題, 你想交比其他人) - "Someone in charge of this would be in a better position to answer you!"

3. "呢d 野,唔係我做嫁, 你搵其他人啦 ! " - "This doesn't fall into my scope, you should find someone else!"
2006-11-15 2:39 am
1. "唔關我事 ! "
This is not my business.

2. "呢樣野係要有關部門的人, 才可以答你 !" (假如有d 客想問你一d 問題, 你想交比其他人)
I think Mr ____ would be much appropriate to answer your question.

3. "呢d 野,唔係我做嫁, 你搵其他人啦 ! "
Actually, this is not business. It would be better if you ask somebody else to help you.
2006-11-15 1:55 am
none of my business
it is not my business

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