大難題:何謂知識? 真正知識的定義是怎麼去界別的? (20分)

2006-11-15 1:41 am
1. 如果有人問:〔你可唔可以幫我做網頁,可唔可以幫我XXXXXX ?〕,咁算唔算係知識的一種?
2. 你吃左飯未丫,你貴姓丫等,涉及他人私隱的題目又算唔算係知識的一種?
3. 有邊隻牌子的護膚品較為好用? 問乘車路線? 問Contractor /Supplier 電話, hart self 算唔算是知識的一種?
4. 點樣去分一個題目里有冇聊天成份?
5. 其他...

回答 (2)

2006-11-15 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
" Knowledge" contained the process of Identification and Solutions seeking. First of all, you identify a problem (認知) and finally you seek for solutions(辨識). You are able to gain knowledge from anywhere but not just from books. For instance, from traditions and customs, where knowledge are passed from generations to generations. This can be considered as an acculmulation of wisdom from different generations. Moreover, you can also gain it from normal life experiences.

You do not need to be persisted in knowing the definition of " knowledge" in words. It is because every day of your life experiences can also be considered as a kinf of knowledge.
2006-11-15 3:05 am
這個問題根本就好簡單,在知識+的世界裡,一條問題是否知識是由管理員判定的,他們斷定是知識就是知識,他們認為是聊天就是聊天,it's so simple!!

參考: 個人意見

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