About cooking

2006-11-15 12:19 am
What are the differences between Grill, bake and roast?

回答 (2)

2006-11-20 6:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Grill - cook food on a heavy metal grate over charcoals or other heat sources (e.g. gas stove, gas barbeque).

Bake - cooking food (non meat e.g. bread, cookie, potato, apple, etc.) in an oven.

Roast - cooking meat in an oven or before/over a fire.
2006-11-15 12:27 am
grill 動詞 (grilled, grill.ing, grills)
1 (在烤架上) 炙烤
2 用酷熱折磨…; 使…身於水深火熱之中
3 ((口語)) 對…嚴加盤問; 反覆訊問
4 在…上浮雕格狀物
1 (烤食物用的) 金屬方格架
2 炙烤的食物
3 烤肉店
4 格狀的浮雕
5 (汽車的) 格子框
名詞 (griller)
bake 動詞 (baked, bak.ing, bakes)
1 烘; 烤
2 烘乾; 烤硬
bake bricks 烘燒磚塊
1 烘; 烤
2 烘乾; 烤硬
1 a. 烤; 烘
b. 烘烤的數量
2 烘烤的餐會
roast 動詞 (roast.ed, roast.ing, roasts)
1 烘烤
2 燒
3 使熱
4『冶金』煆燒 (礦石)
5 ((口語)) 挖苦, 嚴厲的批評
燒, 烤 名詞
1 a. 烤肉用的肉
b. 烤過的東西
2 a. 烤, 焙
b. 烤過的狀態
3 a. 揶揄
b. 愚弄; 嘲笑
燒烤的, 紅燒的
roast duck 烤鴉

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