有關到香港讀書 ---大學 香港網友幫忙一下

2006-11-14 11:20 pm
我有一個朋友(我們是台灣人) 喜歡香港的大學
想到香港讀書 因為他沒有香港雅虎知識的帳號
所以請我代問 以下是他的問題 他想讀生物(醫學)類的大學
1香港各大學2009年前的入學 是否採舊制 就是要有A level 的學力程度?
2他如果到其他英式學制國家 念一到兩年的 foundation year 是否等於 預科畢業學力?
3他如果考 其他英式學制國家的A level(或同等)tests ,or SAT1.,是否可以替代 HK A level 來當作入學條件 ?
4香港是用什麼語言教學 ?英語 廣東話 國語? 到香港前要先學一些廣東話嘛?
5其他 如 學校推薦 等 越多越好

回答 (3)

2006-11-15 12:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果沒有考A. Level, 你都可以以non-Jupus or direct application 的方式報讀香港的大學, 但當然你必需擁有同等的學歷, 才可報讀, 而且一般來說都會有interview, besides your academic result, you also have to show your enthusiasm in the subject and you may have to explain why you choose their university.

Normally, lessons in the university will be conducted in English, except for the Chinese subject. Actually, you don't have to worry about the language because there was quite a number of oversea students studying in the university, and most of them were coming from China who also did not speak Cantonese.

學校推薦: Surely having a recommendation letter would be an advantage, but I do think that a good academic result is more essential for your application.

Quoted below was the admission requirement of HKU:


A. Students from high schools:

a) At least 12 years of pre-university schooling on a full-time basis;

b) Senior secondary school-leaving certificate (e.g. Senior High School Diploma) fulfilling the minimum high school graduation requirement;

c) A combined score of not less than 1100 in old SAT I plus at least 550 in SAT II English Writing or a total score of not less than 1650 in new SAT I with a sub-score on essay of not less than 8; and

d) A score of not less than 600 in at least 2 SAT II subjects including Mathematics.

B. Students studying at university:

1. Successful completion of one year's study on a bachelor's degree programme at a recognised university in Taiwan; and

2. Fulfilment of the English language requirement by obtaining one of the following:

a) A score of 550 or better in the paper-based TOEFL (213 for computer-based, 80 for internet-based); or

b) A minimum overall band of 7 in IELTS; or

c) A combined score of not less than 1100 in old SAT I plus at least 550 in SAT II English Writing or a total score of not less than 1650 in new SAT I with a sub-score on essay of not less than 8.


Hope this could be of help to you!
2006-11-16 12:44 am
其實上面2位同學都答得對, 或許只用英文答你感到不便?
首先,希望你的朋友明白, 生物科和醫學科是大不同的, 在香港, 生物科屬理學院, 較易入, 醫學科就是醫學院, 非尖子難入矣
1. 香港各大學2009年前的入學 是否採舊制 就是要有A level 的學力程度?
其實現在香港任何一間大學都有一個百份比收非以香港公開試成績的學生,簡稱non-Jupas計劃,當過香港公開試的則稱Jupas, 前者收生標準較含糊,但一定要證明有良好英文程度,因為入到大學,唔識中文的人反而有中文必修科給他讀,但英文卻很少,除此之外,最好證明他在當地有一定的學歷與成績、專長
2他如果到其他英式學制國家 念一到兩年的 foundation year 是否等於 預科畢業學力?
3他如果考 其他英式學制國家的A level(或同等)tests ,or SAT1.,是否可以替代 HK A level 來當作入學條件 ?
4香港是用什麼語言教學 ?英語 廣東話 國語? 到香港前要先學一些廣東話嘛?
5其他 如 學校推薦 等 越多越好
香港大學: http://www.hku.hk/admission/ug.htm
中文大學: www.cuhk.edu.hk/adm/intl/index.html





參考: knowledge
2006-11-15 12:52 am
1) GCE 2A3O and 2) proficiency in English recommended to tak e TOEFL, IELTS or other acceptable language test.
有關IELTS考試預備,參考 : http://hk.geocities.com/easy9756/index.htm#5

Guide and Application Form for our International Students Admission Scheme


Guide on Application for Admission (Full-time Undergraduate Studies)


Download an application form* (A4 size, 11 pages):


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Microsoft Word
Guide on Application for Admission
(Full-time Undergraduate Studies)

I. Entrance Requirements
1. Applicants shall be eligible to apply if they:

(i) possess a qualification obtained outside Hong Kong which qualifies them for university admission in the country/region where such qualification is obtained (e.g. SAT in USA, UEC / STPM in Malaysia, HSC / TER in Australia, OSSD in Canada, etc); OR

(ii) have acquired an International Baccalaureate Diploma; OR

(iii) have obtained in one sitting of the GCE Advanced Level Examination pass grades in no less than 3 Advanced Level subjects (Applicants with pass grades in 2 Advanced Level and 2 Advanced Supplementary Level subjects may also apply); OR

(iv) have successfully completed:
• at least one year of full-time undergraduate study at a recognized university; OR
• a course of study leading to the qualification of an associate degree / higher diploma; OR

(v) have other exceptional achievements which merit admission.

2. Language requirement

Applicants should have attained an acceptable level of proficiency in English.

II. Additional Considerations
Applicants are:
1. expected to possess keen interests, suitable talents or academic background to make a unique contribution to the cultural diversity on campus;
recommended to tak e TOEFL, IELTS or other acceptable language test, if English is not their native language

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