2006-11-14 9:34 pm
would like to know the major difference btw Home N Prof. versions

and in XP Home, can I assign a folder's ownership to someone else.
eg. a user account was deleted but his folders and files are still there. but no one can touch them. Can an admin. account take over the ownership and assign it to another a/c ??


回答 (2)

2006-11-14 10:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Professional version can join domain and do more networking project. Home edtion cann't.

You can take ownership of that folder by following steps.
1.right click the folder and then "properties" "security"---> "advance" ----> "ownership"
3. highline the name who you want to have the ownership and check the box of replacement of the original ownership
4. then "OK"

Try this.
2006-11-15 12:44 am
See this Microsoft site for feature comparison.

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