
2006-11-14 9:10 pm


回答 (3)

2006-11-14 9:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I write to apply for *(a certain period of) no-paid leaves. Recently, I always lose my sleep at nights due to heavy workload and academic pressure. It really bothers my physical and emotional normal functionings, thus I do believe I could no longer fulfill my working duties temporarily. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

I look forward to receiving your reply as soon as possible.

注: *(xxx) 表示 以期效代替, 如: 3 week no-paid leaves 等等
2006-11-14 11:58 pm
Due to the fact that I have been suffering from insomia and coming uder a lot of stress from my workload, I am not in an ideal condition to continue my services to the company, and therefore I hope that the company will accomodate my request of a no-pay leave. I eagerly await your reply and apologise for any inconvienience that it may cost. Thank you.

2006-11-14 9:18 pm
today, I cannot come to work for i study too hard in these days .i got trouable in my body.in these few days,i cannot come to work.Would you like to give me some days to take rest

2006-11-14 13:19:01 補充:
Give me 10 marks

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