
2006-11-14 9:07 pm
請問有沒有人知道'Stakeholder'的解釋? 這是一個與公司股份相關的名詞, 但真正的意思我很想知道呢!

回答 (4)

2006-11-14 9:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. 股東(shareholders) - 就是公司的擁有人,關心公司的潤利等表現,公司是他們財產的一部份;
2. 員工(employees) - 公司的存亡與他的工作和生計有直接關係,另外公司的薪酬福利制度、政策等也是直接與他們有關的,故此特別關心;
3. 債主(creditors) - 他們關心公司是否有能力償還欠該公司的債務;
4. 投資者(investors) - 他們與股東類同,但尚未購買公司的股票,但公司的一舉一動也可以影響投資的取向及決定;
5. 政策(government) - 特別是稅務局(inland revenue),他們對公司的盈利狀況特別關心,因這直接影響稅收。

2006-11-20 7:42 pm
Examples of common stakeholders:

Stakeholder Examples of interests
Owners private/shareholders Profit, Performance, Direction
Government Taxation, VAT, Legislation
Senior Management staff Performance, Targets
Non-Managerial staff Rates of pay, Job security
Trade Unions Working conditions, Minimum wage
Customers Value, Quality, Customer Care
Creditors Credit score, new contracts, Liquidity
Local Community Jobs, Involvement, Environmental issues

Hope the examples are useful. If you still don't understand, i can explain further.
參考: Introduction to Management from ADMS
2006-11-14 9:12 pm
如果你查cambridge網上字典, stake的解釋與share近似. 那麼, stakeholder應該等於shareholder (股東).

p.s. 其實你單問一個字比較難答, 要看你上文下理是否成立.

2006-11-14 9:10 pm
a company's stakeholders are all people and organisations that affected by that companys' policy.

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