焗油, 噴油, 10分

2006-11-14 9:01 pm
油及噴油, 有什麼分別? 請詳細解釋!!

另外, 價錢約多少?? (以2001 estima 車計)。 有沒有車房介紹!!


回答 (3)

2006-11-16 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
其實要區分焗油同噴油,我真係唔知點講你先會易明d,在香港如果你用車來做對象,咁我答你兩樣野是可以冇分別的,因焗油, 是要先噴油,而再開爐焗的,因入爐焗的漆油會快干好多同冇咁多塵,後期工序會易做同快好多....至於係唔係一定要焗呢???又唔係架喎,你噴完之後等佢自然風干是一樣得的,只不過要等8-9小時到啦,在等的期間空氣中的塵埃會(痴)晒落層面漆度,有一些大粒的塵是會好明顯的,咁後期工序就要做多d功夫了.......好,講下唔用車又有咩分別呢?如果唔用車做對象就有d唔同了,以我所知有一些如(呂)窗等的物品是用真正焗油的,真正焗油有咩分別呢??其實真正的焗漆不是噴(油)的,而是噴一些顏色粉末的,而這些粉末又一定要在焗爐內用高溫處理,當完成所有工序後便成為你見到的顏色外層了,就像外國汽車生產廠一樣~~!!
其實我地在車房見到的噴漆,無論有用爐焗或用自然風干,都只可稱為修補噴漆而不是真正的焗漆,(不過一般用眼是分別不出真正焗漆或修補噴漆的)到依度我諗你大約夠用了,因全香港都是用噴漆修補汽車的(包括仁孚,寶馬及所有大廠)就算全車轉色都係一樣,你放心好了.. 但我就聽說(呂)窗等物品,元朗是有廠做真正焗漆的,因他們只得幾種色粉,所以做親唔係門就窗........至於你架ESTIMA是大車了,全架大噴我諗皮半野到啦,要睇你要求,唔拆燈唔拆門把手乜都唔拆,皮三樓下一定得,(((因拆晒野噴,效果完美好多,如果唔拆,一般都是用膠紙包裹住便算)))....至於介紹,我之前都有介紹過給YAHOO知識的朋友,他還說手工好添..你可返看我的回答記錄........打到手軟,希望你用得著
參考: 我是在賣汽車噴漆的公司工作的
2013-04-25 8:16 pm
2006-11-17 9:48 am
The basic idea of the 焗漆and 噴漆 in HongKong are the materials ~ the 噴漆 is easy and fast finish , its just using the single Material (the paint) for the painting job ~ the 焗漆 need more stage and material , the base coat and the clear coat, put the base coat on with the lower air-presure to make the surface of the paint rough , then put the first layer of clear coat with lower air-presure too ~ it make the final coat holding well on the paint surface with the higher air-presure ! actually , both of them can send to the 焗油房 . use the higher tempreture to make the surface of the new painting more even and smooth !
the new paint for whole Estima should be round 8~10K , the price of paint with the roof or not can be big different , compare the Hiace with 噴油 round 6K up ~

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