英文 文化裡,咩叫做 black sheep?

2006-11-14 8:55 pm
black sheep 黑羊 比喻什麼?

回答 (6)

2006-11-14 10:00 pm
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Black sheep (n) [C usually singular]
Someone who is regarded by other members of their family or group as a failure or embarrassment

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

Person regarded as a disgrace or a failure by other members of his family or group 害群之馬,敗類

From 牛津高階
參考: 牛津高階 and Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
2006-11-14 11:43 pm
A member of a family or other group who is considered undesirable or disreputable.
2006-11-14 9:09 pm
black sheep 害群之馬
2006-11-14 9:01 pm
中文跟英文有異亦有同 :

black sheep 之中文通常譯作 - 害群之馬
2006-11-14 9:01 pm
英語成語:black sheep 即是 中文的害群之馬


一群綿羊中有時會出現一隻長有黑毛的羊(black sheep),這隻黑羊屬於少數的異類,而且不及長白毛的綿羊值錢,多被視為無用之輩,影響群體利益。 這句成語就是取喻於綿羊,當中的黑羊常被引伸為不良分子。
2006-11-14 8:58 pm

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