about bank draft

2006-11-14 7:40 pm
Which banks( Hong Kong ) can encash bank drafts? How long can it be encash?

回答 (2)

2006-11-14 7:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
if you mean the bank draft is issued by overseas bank? there should indicated the drawee bank on the draft face, please go to the drawee bank to encash, it's also depends on if there is - a/c payee only - quoted or not,if yes, have to depoist to a/c instead of encash over counter. moreover, what currecny is it? since some currency notes are not available in some banks.
therefore, the answer has to depend on
1. issuing bank
2. drawee bank
3. - a/c payee only - or not
4. currency

2006-11-14 12:08:48 補充:
if bank draft is drawn on overseas,you may take it to the bank,which you have a/c hold.banker will collect funds in 2 ways,(mostly charges around hkd$100, but it is also depends):

2006-11-14 12:08:59 補充:
1, deposit money to yr a/c then send the draft to drawee bk to collect, if funds cannot be collect,banker will charge you back.2. send it to drawee bk to collect, then will deposit to yr a/c if funds received.
2006-11-14 7:45 pm
香港的大銀行 (如匯豐銀行, 恆生銀行, 永隆銀行, 中國銀行) 均可兌票. 大約3-4星期時間.

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